Lively and Free
Lively and Free
Gold Lily Activation Suite
"The Tesla Roadster"
16 Turnkey Activations in 1 Sitting for Speeds Up To 8G
The Gold Lily Activation is the"Tesla Roadster" model of Lily Activations (metaphorically speaking). It's for newcomers on the spiritual path who are ready to internalize and externalize Christ-consciousness, and embody Peace and One Brotherhood of Man through compassionate service. This activation comes with the following special dispensations from Source:
Safe activation of a completely evolved Kundalini (an extremely rare phenomenon) for a lifetime of trouble-free performance. (Circa 2005)
Activation of a permanent Antahkarana-a direct-line HDTV cable connection to Higher Self and Source; the "express elevator" to the penthouse suite of Nirvana. (Circa 2005)
Activation of the 7x7 Oracle Pyramids switches on the ability to be an oracle through which divine knowledge is revealed. Using the analogy of tall buildings to represent various celestial academies of knowledge, this dispensation enables the truth-seeker to leap tall buildings. (Circa 2005)
Activation of a fully assembled, ready-to-go Merkabah vehicle. Thanks to this dispensation, you don't ever have to re-assemble your Merkaba vehicle with mantras and mudras, or pump it with gas ever again. (Circa 2005)
Activation of the Caudate Nucleus, responsible for extrasensory perception, myriad supernatural abilities and higher consciousness in more evolved man. (Circa 2006)
DNA Activation for hi-speed vertical evolution and horizontal expansion. Click here for more info. (Circa 2008)
Christ-consciousness Activation for the internalization and externalization of Christ-consciousness. Meant to aid the aspirant in rapidly attaining Oneness, super-consciousness, cosmic consciousness, Christ-hood, and Universal Brotherly Love. Not intended for use in pursuit of power and vain glory. Click here for more info. (Circa Jan 2009)
Activation of Ascension DNA Light Codes turns on the light codes of Ascension stored in your DNA. Also grants safe passage into the Holy of Holies and opens the Arc of the Covenant. Click here for more info. (Circa Apr 4, 2010 Easter)
The Lily and The Lotus Merge. The wisdom and attainments of the Lily lineage (i.e., Christ-Melchizedek lineage of the West) and the Lotus lineage (i.e., Guanyin-Buddha lineage of the East) are merged into one stream of consciousness, and then downloaded to the aspirant as an integrated app. (Circa Jan 2011)
Ankh of Isis Activation grants Goddess Isis' fire power with the accompanying rights and responsibilities of a celestial ambassador on Earth. Click here for more info. Please heed this WARNING and then decide whether to receive this dispensation on time-release or full release. (Circa Feb 2011)
Triune Synthesis Activation brings into balanced synthesis the the triune of Divine Love from Christ, Divine Wisdom from Guan Yin, and Divine Power from Goddess Isis. (Circa Apr 2011)
Activation of the Exomod, an interference-free communication line with cosmic beings and celestial academies of knowledge (analogous to having a special hotline to the Oval Office, or a Batphone's direct line to the Batcave). This activation also removes the glass ceiling of cosmic consciousness. (Circa Apr 2011)
Dispensations from Pallas Athena, who bestows her transcendent qualities rooted in divinity: wisdom, hi-speed strategic thinking, hi-speed shapeshifting, protection, strength, courage, victory, etc. (Circa May 2011)
Dispensations from Madonna of the Lilies (also known as Mater Admirabilis). She dispenses power to heal wounds, and courage to embrace the un-embraceable. Her dispensations aid the aspirant to unite opposites harmoniously. She activates a perennial "bouyancy of the heart" which can bring an end to pain and suffering. For the gifts of this activation to be felt, the aspirant must surrender his hold on pain and suffering and cling instead to God's Love. (Circa Jun 2011)
Dispensations from Goddess Portia removes blindfolds so that you can see the bigger picture with clearer discernment and make better-informed decisions. This activation also assists you to reconcile your polarities into harmonious union. She bestows her supernal qualities to the aspirant as transcendental abilities rooted in divinity. (Circa Aug 2011)
Reprieve from karmic debt: some of aspirant's karmic debt will be conditionally suspended—on the condition that aspirant shall not accrue more Karma—so that aspirant can pay back his karmic debt through compassionate service rather than through intense, time-consuming, negative catalysts.
📕 Recommended Reading to help you make an informed decision.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the Gold Lily Activation, the ideal prospect must meet the following pre-requisites:
Readiness to forgive the unforgivable.
This means: (1) forgive all past transgressions, big and small; (2) forgive everyone who has ever hurt, abused, traumatized, and transgressed you (includes forgiving yourself, and God if you are angry at Him); (3) let go of any past hurts, anger, resentment, and grudges; (4) seek forgiveness, atonement, reform, and setting things right for any transgressions you commit in the future. -
A pledge of commitment to the 1st and 2nd Lily Covenants.
Must apply for the Lily Activation and pass the screening process.
Explore the Lily Activation Tiers