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Meet Ramon


Juan Ramon Rodriguez (Oct. 31,1939 - Jan. 23, 2008) was the Founding Father of The Lily and Beyond. He was the first Lily Activator, a clairvoyant par excellence, and Kundalini Master. Under the tutelage of deities and an unnamed perfect master he called the "Kundalini Man," Ramon experienced the Kundalini from seed to its fullest evolution over a period of 30 years, until a permanent Antahkarana appeared in his subtle light body. Not only did his Antahkarana reach the Higher Self, it extended all the way to God-a rarity on earth.


Ramon was asked by his spirit guides to perform Lily Activations so that others may receive the perfect development of Kundalini and Antahkarana he had. Recipients of his Lily Activations were called "Lilies." During his lifetime, Ramon activated hundreds of Lilies around the world.

In the psychic defense arts, Ramon was unparalleled and unbeaten. He used his psychic gifts to identify the root cause of people's physical, emotional and spiritual ailments. Ramon dedicated his life to helping hundreds of people seek ways out of illness and achieve their fullest potential. Although a great many people admired Ramon for his psychic prowess, but it was his compassion, gentleness and loving helpfulness that endeared him to all.

Life Story


Sunday morning, 10 a.m., in the Summer of  1975.  It was a life-altering event that forever transformed this Cuban-American named Ramon Rodriguez.  While sitting on the bank of a lake in Miami, Florida, under a canopy of clear blue skies, suddenly a green beam of light from nowhere, brighter than the sun, illuminated Ramon Rodriguez for about 90 seconds.  Three weeks later, he began to see four subtle light bodies: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual auras.

Another life-changing event happened in June 1978.  Ramon was preparing to travel to Mexico with his daughter, Beatriz, to celebrate her birthday.  In the weeks prior to this trip, his Kundalini was already stirring in his body. 

Upon arriving in Mexico, Ramon requested his Cuban-Mexican family to take him to the pyramid “with the top missing.”  They took him to the great Teotihuacan Pyramid (Figure 1)


Figure 1: Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico.

Ramon was seated in a semi-lotus position on the flat top of the Pyramid of the Sun when a tremendous energy began to move inside him. It was as if a piston was repeatedly penetrating the center column of his body.  Soon after this experience, his brown hair turned dark blue for three months. 

In 1988, while casually walking in the living room of his apartment in Miami, Florida, Ramon received a telepathic message about a secret path inside the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan.  The message revealed that there would soon be a book published that would have all the details about this secret path.  Furthermore, the message continued, it was important that Ramon be inside the Pyramid of the Sun on July 26th.  At the time of the message, there were no publications or disclosed findings about a secret path inside the Pyramid of the Sun.  No one, including those in the metaphysical community, knew about it.  However, in less than a month, a book by Peter Tompkins appeared in the marketplace, entitled, “Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids.”  The book divulged a secret path inside Teotihucan’s Pyramid of the Sun.  Shortly afterwards, Providence arranged for Ramon and 25 others to be inside that pyramid.


In November 1988, Ramon found himself sitting in the center of a meditation circle of Mexican yoga teachers and metaphysical friends, inside the Pyramid of the Sun.  Ramon was used as a conduit of energy whose radiation was felt up to 20 feet away.  Suddenly, El Angel de la Independencia (Mexican Angel of Independence) appeared, and gave Ramon three prophecies.  All of the prophecies came true, including the prophecy that Ramon would have a son born on September 16, the day of Independence in Mexico, also known as the Day of the Angel.


Sometime in 2005, an etheric white Lily appeared in Ramon's aura. He was perplexed, so he asked his wife, Kim, to ask the Akashic Records for an explanation. 


When Kim opened Ramon's Akashic Records, she saw a white lily in his aura, with a pistil that extended to infinity. The Masters and Teachers of the Akashic Records explained that the white lily and pistil were symbolic of a permanent Antahkarana which Ramon now possessed. Kim ended by saying, "The Masters and Teachers are not telling us anything more right now because we're not going to understand it anyway." 


Half a day later, a white lily with an infinite pistil also appeared in Kim's energy field. This was the beginning of what the couple eventually called, "The Lily and Beyond." You can read more about this in How The Lily Began.


Ramon and his wife, Kim, traveled USA and internationally to share the Vision-Mission of The Lily and Beyond. Their love of cross-cultural diversity influenced their teachings. As a Cuban-American, Ramon brought into his teachings a blend of Latin-American spices.  As a Filipino-American, Kim brought East-West influences to their buffet.


Ramon was a vegetarian, exercised daily, abstained from liquor and vices. At 62, he was stronger, healthier and more agile than an 18 year old. Thus, it was a mystery to his friends and loved ones when he was diagnosed with cancer of unexplainable causes. He died 6 weeks later at the age of 68. 

His Legacy Lives On


After touching hundreds of lives, Ramon passed away in peace on January 23, 2008. Eight rainbows appeared in the sky on the day he died. He ascended into heaven and now mentors his Twin Flame, Kim, from the the Other Side. 

Ascended Master Ramon Rodriguez continues to assist humanity and our planet towards a Golden Age of PEACEANDONEBROTHERHOODOFMAN.

The Lily and Beyond and the Lily Cloud are his legacy.

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