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Free Yourself of Parasitic Spirits, Thought-forms & Curses


Parasitic spirits, thought-forms and curses are malevolent entities that attach themselves to your energy field and drain you of your life force. You are vulnerable to these spirit attachments anytime you visit public places such as hospitals, health clinics, cemeteries, shopping malls, etc. Malicious spirit attachments can cause illness, sleepless nights, accidents, misfortunes, mishaps, etc.


Most entity detection methods require astute psychic abilities. However, the simple Hand Diagnostic Test (below) requires no psychic abilities.



  1. Put your palms together facing you.

  2. Make sure the 2 lines of your pinky fingers meet and align like the blue and yellow lines in the photo.

  3. Check whether or not your palm lines meet and line up like the red line in the photo. If they do not, you have a parasitic entity. 

If the left line is higher, you have a spirit attachment. If the right line is higher, you have a parasitic thought-form or a curse.

Parasitic spirits, thought-forms and curses can be removed!

Entity Removal (or deposession) is the psychic martial art of freeing a person of spirit attachments, malicious thought-forms and malevolent curses.  It requires advanced psychic abilities and occult mastery in order to be successful.


If you are afflicted with parasitic spirit entities or thought-forms, you may attempt to remove them by reciting any one (or all) of the Deliverance Prayers (below) 3 times.  Then check your hands again using the Hand Diagnostic Test above.


If prayers don't solve your problem, then you need to see an Entity Removal Specialist. They are a valiant and rare breed.  They work under dangerous conditions, risking their own safety and lives to save victims of diabolical attacks.  So please respect their professional fees.

Prayers of Deliverance




O, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. 


Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.


May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world, seeking the ruin of all souls.  Amen. 



If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it. If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.


Father/Mother/God, we ask that this entity, soul or thought-form be sent on its spiritual evolution for the highest good and mutual benefit of everyone concerned.



From the Divine Love that flows through my Being, whatever is in my auric field, which is interfering with my Free Will Choice, whether it is here with or without my permission, I now command, in the name of the Creator, and from the Divine Love that flows through my being in Love and Peace, that it now go to the nucleus of its being. Go in Peace. So be it.



In the name of Jesus, I take authority and I bind all powers and forces in the air, in the ground, in the water, in the underground,

in the netherworld, in nature, and in fire.


You are the Lord over the entire universe and I give You the glory for Your creation.


In Your name, I bind all demonic forces that have come against us and our families, and I seal all of us in the protection of Your precious blood that was shed for us on the cross.


Mary, our Mother, we seek Your protection and intercession with the Sacred Heart of Jesus for us and our families, and surround us with Your mantle of love to discourage the enemy.


Saint Michael and our guardian angels, come defend us and our families in the battle against all the evil ones that roam the earth.


In the name of Jesus, I bind and command all the powers and forces of evil to depart right now, away from us, our homes and our lands.


And we thank You, Lord Jesus, for You are a faithful and compassionate God.  Amen.



Archangel Michael, please bring down the tunnel of Light.  Ariel, Azrael, and Aru-Kiri, please assist.I break any and all agreements or contracts, both conscious and unconscious, that I have made, anyone in my body has made, or anyone in my genetic lineage has made, with any astral entities, thought-forms, demons, dark forces, elementals, aliens or boogies.  Please go into the tunnel of light now, we will take you home.


[When you feel lighter, say:]  Michael, please remove all astral parasites, bring the tunnel of light to the 5th dimension, please assist Grace and Purity Elohim, please assist circle security, please seal the space and hold my field in integrity.


[Then when you feel lighter, say:]  Grace Elohim, please move through my body and fields and release any residual energy left of parasites, after which, Purity Elohim, please seal my body and fields.  Thank you for your assistance, Michael.  Please roll up the tunnel of light.


[Then when you feel lighter, say:]  Grace Elohim, please move through my body and fields and release any residual energy left of parasites, after which, Purity Elohim, please seal my body and fields.  Thank you for your assistance, Michael.  Please roll up the tunnel of light.



I call upon the powerful Guardians and Beings of cleansing White-Light Energy of blinding and unbinding proportions to clear out any and all dark and malevolent forces.


I Breathe IN the energy of ArchAngels Michael and Gabriel, and call forth the Divine Energy of Metatron, the supreme voice of the Source Creator.


I sound the sacred sound of “AaaaaaaaaaOhhhhhhhhMmmmmmmm” from the center of the heart space, and call in the energies of the Master Teachers Yeshua, the Christed One and The Buddha, the Awakened One.


I also call forth the Divine healing energies of the Divine Mothers Mary, the Virgin; Magdeline, the Vessel; Quan Yin, the Diviner; and Isis, the Revealer.


I Breathe IN the Cosmic Energies of the Divine Mother Earth and the Source Father Sun; Sister Moon; The Seven Sister energies of Pleiadian Love and Andromedian Compassion; and the Sirian Wisdom Teachers, The Adamehs.


And I also call forth the great and benevolent Ancestors, sentient and non-sentient alike who walk among us and serve as guides and bridges between us and other worlds.


I Breathe OUT these energies and allow them to clear the conflicts of the thinking mind. I call these energies forth to help clear the inner spaces of the human heart and mind. I allow my LightBody to be more fully and deeply activated. I keep breathing. I surrender to the willingness to go deeper and wider on this journey towards karmic cleansing and soul-level healing. I clear out the old karmic patterns of the ego which relies on fear, judgment and separation.


The more I let go of the darkness, the more Light I let in to help me see, understand and walk my Higher Path and fulfill my ultimate Life Purpose.


Entity Removal Specialists

If prayers don't solve your supernatural affliction, then you need an Entity Removal Specialist. Professional fees may apply.


Entity Removal Specialists are a valiant and rare breed. They work under dangerous conditions, risking their own safety and lives to save the victimized.  So please respect their professional fees.


The list of specialists below is being provided to assist the public, not as an endorsement.



Francis Gaw 

📞 +63 (2) 404-1563


Father Jun Padua 

📞 +63 (927) 428-4080


Brother Mike Villena  

📞+63 (906) 534-8820


Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism

Send a private message through Facebook



Jed Schlackman

📞 +1 (305) 259-0013  

Psycho-energetic Healing 


Janet Parker MA, LMHC, CBI

📞 +1 (305) 643-0144

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