Lively and Free
Lively and Free
DNA Activation
Owing to ancestral history, trauma and environmental factors, many people have some "broken DNA," which alters the expression of their innate potential and growth in many ways. Despite damaged DNA, you can still grow up "normally" although not at your best. Figure 1 illustrates examples of DNA damage.

Figure 1: broken DNA.
Broken DNA resembles broken train tracks.The Lily Activation happens down to the DNA level, etherically repairing broken train tracks and activating dormant DNA so that your "soul train" can move full speed ahead.
Etheric DNA repair results in a healthier body-mind that is better able to withstand environmental toxins. For example, one of our Lilies claimed to succumb to the flu about every 2 months before her Lily Activation. Two years later, she reported that she has not had a single bout of flu ever since.
In terms of spiritual growth, etheric DNA repair allows you to evolve full speed ahead on mended train tracks, so that your spiritual consciousness and energy system can run like a high-speed race car (in the case of a Gold Lily Activation), bullet train (in the case of a Platinum Lily Activation), or a lear jet (in the case of an Iridescent Lily Activation).
Within the framework of the Lily Activation Suite, the Antahkarana provides the vertical expansion while the DNA Activation provides horizontal expansion. The horizontal expansion of a Lily is represented by the infinity loop in Figure 2.
Each of the figures in the infinity loop represents you in a past life. Although you may think of them as past lives, from the standpoint of eternal timelessness, all past and future selves are actually "simultaneous selves" in parallel existence. The only thing that separates your past, present, and future selves is Time.
All past lives are actually parallel lives from the viewpoint of cosmic consciousness, i.e., parallel existences occurring simultaneously in present time.

Figure 2: infinity loop
The horizontal expansion of a Lily allows him to access advanced skills, abilities and knowledge from his past and future selves. This can explain certain mysterious occurrences, such as new skill sets and supra-human abilities sudenly surfacing with unexplainable mastery, despite absence of prior training or rehearsal. These "instant skill sets" and supra-human abilities are simply coming over from other aspects of the total self within the infinity loop.
Figure 3: DNA Activation explained in detail.