Lively and Free
Lively and Free

For those who wish to be divinely changed and divinely life-changing.
You will love who you become.
It is infusion by The Infinite. It transforms you into a luminous being of the Creator's leading-edge design.
Grow beyond Kundalini, Merkaba, Antahkarana, DNA Activation, and more, in one sitting.
Not even King Solomon with all his riches was made a Lily adorned with these:
An etheric white lily in the aura-emblematic of Lilies of the Field who neither toil nor spin.
24 x 7 fiber optic, HDTV cable-connection to God.
24 x 7 super-conscious mind power switched on and stays on.
24 x 7 turbo-charged soul wattage and high-voltage.
24 x 7 exponential evolution with activated Ascension codes, for a lifetime of rapid apotheosis, i.e., to become a supernatural man-god. It is man's ultimate renaissance.
The result is a supranormal human, a luminous being molded by Earth and deified by Heaven. Say goodbye to the old "dial-up" connection to God, and hello to man-god's newest quintessential wiring-fiber optic, HDTV, broadband, hi-speed, from 4G, 5G, up to 144G and beyond. Not only will these quintessential technologies be switched on, they will be upgraded to the most cutting-edge "Ferrari" standards, fully turbo-charged. So you can forget about piecing together a do-it-yourself "Ferrari" prototype and opt instead for the newest "Ferrari" model of man-god manufactured and assembled by Source.
Why make life's journey of a million miles on foot when you can drive a Ferrari?
Spend zero time inching to your Future Self and more time driving it on life's Autobahn today.
What "Activation" means:

It would take a great many lifetimes to achieve all the hi-tech advancements made possible by Grace through a Lily Activation. Without these advancements, progress along the spiritual path is handicapped.
Fortunately, a Lily Activation allows you to cut to the chase. Imagine collapsing decades or even lifetimes of sprinting and mountain climbing to your practical and spiritual goals. And that's possible because . . .
The Lily Activation is an Act of Grace.
With a Lily Activation, you can journey faster and arrive soonest-
cruising at high speeds like a Tesla roadster or soaring to high altitudes like a rocket-as the new vanguard of the Golden Age.
To get started, pre-qualify FREE for a Lily Activation (or Diamond Activation for Lilies only). Click button below and we'll email you everything you need to know-who, what, when, where, why, and price tag-so that you can make an informed decision.
"I can go on and on with all the benefits I got from a Lily Activation... I experienced a tremendous shift in consciousness... I suddenly knew how to meditate (like a monk!)... I got 5 job offers in 10 days when I was not even looking for a job. My dreams are coming true one by one. Most importantly, I have found solace and happiness in the company of the Divine. I will forever be thankful for the miracle that is The Lily & Beyond. It changed my life and it will change yours, too."
"I am still in shock and awe. Six days as a Diamond Lily and WOW!!! I am still too overwhelmed to adequately express the blessings thus far, but suffice it to say it feels like "Miracles-on-Demand" and I am so very, very happy that I took the Diamond plunge. The Diamond transformation has been nothing short of an exquisite miracle! I am beyond grateful!
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
"The depth of consciousness in the Lily gatherings and Lily meditations is a level of super-consciousness and clarity very rare to find. I had not experienced it before in any other group in the 15 years that I have been doing hands-on energy healing, meditation and yoga. I truly recommend to become Lily-activated."
Alchemy is the spiritual science behind miracles. When any kind of miracle happens, the hidden mechanism behind it is the precise application of these five pillars of spiritual alchemy-Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Spirit.
Through command of the energies of the 5 elements, you become a siddha, a supernatural saint. You can transform illness, sorrow, pain, and physical matter, through the synergy of these 5 elemental forces, i.e., you can transform "old" to "gold" through supernatural means.
The inevitable outcome of Our Oneness Solution is the awakening of one's inner alchemist, i.e., your miraculous inner messiah who is the humblest servant of all and who, like the sun, can light up a dark world in a way that 7 billion human light bulbs cannot do.
We Have Ways to Transform Old to GOLD
You can 100% count on us taking care of your energy.

It's what speed-dials Heaven for conversations with Source so you can reclaim paradise. It's hard to believe how helpful this is until a miracle happens. Watch now ⬇
"The true path to awakening is genuine discernment; it's the very opposite of belief." ~ Trinlay Tulku Rinpoche
Human beings look for the journey. They look for a path, something to follow that will take them to God. But the truth is there is no path. There is no journey. God is here and now. The issue is discernment.
When you do not discern, you surrender your mind to false messiahs. When you discern the truth, then you make enlightened choices that bring Heaven to Earth.
Through advanced spiritual technologies, we offer transformative ways to help both novices and advanced truth-seekers become divinely changed and divinely life-changing. So you can have your Heaven on Earth soonest.
Welcome to The Lily & Beyond,
Katherine "Kim" Lopa
Co-founder, Divine Intercessor
You can 100% count on us taking care of your energy.
For over a decade, we have been serving clientele of high integrity who seek nothing less than a pure connection to Source. We are a trusted name because we deliver with 100% integrity. Love motivates us to offer exceptional, transformative value beyond what money can buy.