Lively and Free
Lively and Free
Recording Policy
Please be aware that our live events are audio and video recorded subject to our Privacy Policy. By entering our premises when filming is going on, you understand that you may appear on camera, and you consent to the reproduction and use of your video images, photographs, and voice, either in whole or in part, to be used by The Lily and Beyond DBA One Brotherhood Chapter and Katherine "Kim" Lopa and their agents or assignees, for any and all multimedia and broadcast purposes now and in the future, without limitation, compensation, or reservation.
If you do not consent to the above, please do not enter the premises while filming is going on. Instead, wait for the replay (if one is offered), or OPT OUT of the event. Otherwise, your attendance in a live event constitutes full consent to be recorded under these terms and conditions:
You agree to have your appearance, comments, and posts recorded, photographed, reproduced, and distributed without objection, compensation, remuneration, and without assigning liability to The Lily and Beyond DBA One Brotherhood Chapter, and Katherine "Kim" Lopa and their agents or assignees now and in the future.
At our discretion, the video recording, including your appearance and comments, may be used in the future for educational and marketing purposes to promote Our Mission programs to the public.
Minors (below age 18) are not permitted to enter the premises of a public event while filming is going on.
How You Can Go INCOGNITO for Privacy
At your discretion, you can choose to conceal your identity in our online events anytime by turning off your camera and microphone, refrain from posting comments in the chat box, and join under an alias (click here to see how it's done).